:: All That You Can't Leave Behind ::

Quote Of The Moment: "I can see the headlines now... Life Not Like A Bowl Of Cherries For Man Hit By Car!" - Kem, debating wether or not to go running or go to the store for cherries instead.
:: Contact Me ::
:: Current Song(s) Emanating From My Speakers: "There's More To Me Than You" - Jessica Andrews ::

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[::..What I'm Reading @ The Moment..::]
*Madam Secretary* By Madeleine K. Albright
*The Insult* By Rupert Thomson
*Prison Writings: My Life Is My Sun Dance* By Leonard Peltier
[::..The Archives..::]
My Current Mood: The current mood of colour_my_life@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

:: Monday, October 25, 2004 ::

Between The Devil & Me

A trip to Keeneland was made yesterday and I proceeded to loose about $20 respectively. I would like to win sometime. When I was a wee one and my family would go I'd always win something. Apparently the 10 year old bettor is more proficient than the 21 year old. Oh well... I must say though that I had the best whiskey sour in some time. I've gotten used to Mia's Southern Comfort base as opposed to Jack Daniels. I don't know about you but I do believe Jack is my new drinkin' buddy.

I've been really racking my brain over a good Halloween costume and I think I might have found it. I'm going to wear my scrubs with a hand-made sign that says either "Free Breast Exams" or "Free Pelvic Exams". I'm not sure which I'll do, if I'll even to either but it's still an idea, albeit a tacky one (Thanks to my dyke-at-arms friend Mendy).

I recently saw the movie Saved! and it's quite entertaining. I was completely and utterly distracted by the character Cassandra played by Eva Amurri (Susan Sarandon's daughter). Pictures don't do the girl justice, so see the movie to get the full experience. She is exquisite.

I guess all she needed was Nexium.
:: Estoy_Libre 11:19 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, October 24, 2004 ::
Everybody Is Working For The Weekend...

I really do feel that I update frequently but apparently not. One thousand apologies dear reader.

I am now officially on vacation! YAY! I don't have to be back to work for ten whole freakin' days.

*Runs Around The Room*

And on top of that terrific news I get to see one of my most precious friends in the whole wide world in just a few days! I haven't seen my buddy Meredith in over a year and finally the wait will be over. Wee! Richmond, IN here I come!

I'm also hoping to go to Keeneland tomorrow but I don't know if the weather will be permitting or not. It's the last week and I need to have my whiskey sour and burgoo damn it!

So Girl A didn't work out as hoped. Some how the fact that she was currently seeing someone just really never made it into the equation until I had my proverbial "dick in the wind" moment. So the nun idea is again looking festive. Someone please break this curse!

BTW I am reading this fantastic book right now called Conquering Your Quarter Life Crisis. It's really good and I recommend it to anyone in their twenties and early thirties. Go buy it!
:: Estoy_Libre 1:16 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, October 02, 2004 ::
Show And Tell

I "borrowed" the below model from my lesbian girlfriend. Enjoy!

15 Years Ago, I was...
1) 6 years old
2) into TMNT, baseball/basketball cards, and GI Joe
3) in elementary school
4) getting crushes on girls
5) into NKOTB...Yeah. Exactly.

10 Years Ago, I was...
1) 11
2) in middle school and infatuated with my French teacher
3) winning a girls basketball championship for the Parks & Rec. League (Go Me!)
4) enjoying my first ever cd, Green Day's "Dookie"
5) still wearing shorts in public *giggle*

5 Years Ago, I was...
1) head-over-heals-in-love with Callie
2) just starting K-Roger
3) a theatre geek
4) still under the impression my parents had a perfect, rock-solid marriage (HA!)
5) on anti-depressants

2 Years Ago, I was...
1) heartbroken and bitter when Callie got engaged
2) at LCC for two semesters
3) completely at a loss about what direction my life was taking
4) binge drinking nearly every week (Yeah I know... REALLY INTELLIGENT)
5) being tugged in two different directions by my since divorced parents

1 Year Ago, I was...
1) introduced to and immediately became smitten with "Girl B"
2) still at K-Roger
3) not speaking to or seeing my dad and hadn't done so in over a year
4) mourning the loss of my cat Calico
5) completely at a loss about what direction my life was taking

Yesterday, I...
1) worked at the BC
2) saved a few lives
3) saw the play "Wit" at Studio Players
4) watched "Mean Girls" and "13 Going On 30"
5) felt mildly dirty about the fact that Lindsay Lohan turns me on

Today, I...
1) spent two hours in Target with Kem and Been
2) went to Jacobson Park for a picnic lunch with K and B
3) ordered the first season of The L Word from Wolfe Video for only $49!
4) talked to some cute girl about No On The Amendment
5) had Jimmy John's for dinner

Tomorrow, I...
1) will work on my day off because I'm a suck up
2) will hate the fact that I'm working on my day off
3) might go to Mia's (that a BIG might folks)
4) will squeeze in my soaps (AMC, OLTL, GH) somewhere
5) take Gracie to the vet

Five Items I Have Brand Loyalty To:
1) Sony
2) Java Brewing Company (In Louisville)
3) Independent music stores (i.e. Djangos, CD Central, Ear-X-Tacy, ect.)
4) K-Roger
5) Joseph-Beth Booksellers

Five Snacks I Enjoy:
1) Cheese-Its
2) Chocolate
3) Jimmy John's Reg. Potato Chips
4) Sunbelt Granola Bars
5) Fresh fruit (Pears, cherries, peaches, bananas, grapes, ect.)

Five Songs I Know all the Words to, Even Without the Music:
1) "20,000 Seconds" - K's Choice
2) "Away From The Sun" - 3 Door's Down
3) "I Remember" - Kenny Chesney
4) "My Girl" - The Temptations
5) "Forgot About Dre" - Eminem & Dr. Dre (Unfortunately The Boy can attest to this)

Five Movies I Know All the Words to:
1) Office Space
2) Dumb & Dumber
3) Fried Green Tomatoes
4) Shawshank Redemption
5) Jurassic Park

Five Games I Like:
1) poker
2) Monopoly
3) Jeopardy
4) truth or dare
5) Shockwave games

Five Books that Moved Me:
1) "The Four Agreements" - Don Miguel Ruiz
2) "Fall On Your Knees" - Anne Marie Macdonald
3) "The Case of the Not-So-Nice Nurse" - Mabel Maney (First lesbian novel/fiction I ever read damn it!)
4) "Black Like Me" - John Howard Griffin
5) Anything by Irvine Welsh, David Sedaris, Nick Hornby, or John Grisham

Five Albums that Rocked My World:
1) "What's the Story (Morning Glory)" & "Definitely Maybe" - Oasis
2) "Lucky" & "Yes I Am" - Melissa Etheridge
3) "Greatest Hits" - Kenny Chesney
4) "Spend The Night" - The Donnas
5) "All That You Can't Leave Behind" - U2
6) "Acoustic Soul" India.Arie
7) "The Process Of Belief" - Bad Religion
8) "Vol. 1" - Traveling Wilburys
9) "VAST" - VAST
10) "Garbage" & "Version 2.0" - Garbage
11) "Dookie" - Green Day

It's amazing how five looks like eleven...

Five Things I Can't Live Without:
1) my friends and family (includes my new kitten Grace!)
2) books and music
3) the internet
4) my cell phone
5) my senses (i.e. sight, smell, hear, touch, taste)

Five Things I Would Buy With $1000:
1) mp3 player
2) portable dvd player
3) trip to England
4) a motorcycle
5) just give it to charity

My Top Five Guilty Pleasures:
1) Soap operas (Yay for All My Children, One Life To Live, and General Hospital!)
2) sleeping in really late
3) dirty thoughts about straight people *tee hee*
4) junk food
5) being a lesbian that knows the difference between a knockoff Kate Spade and a real one

My Top Five Musicians Lately:
1) Diana Krall
2) Melissa Etheridge
3) Brad Paisley
4) L.P.
5) Green Day - It's a necessity, since they've got the new album and all

Top Five Locations I'd Like to Run Away To:
1) Chicago
2) England
3) Australia/New Zealand
4) Canada
5) New York

Five Bad Habits I Have:
1) biting my nails
2) sleeping late/being late
3) eating shitty food and not exercising
4) not taking initiative
5) swearing that's for f*cking sure

Five Things I Would Never Wear:
1) halter tops
2) capri pants (Make up your damn mind people! It's the ultimate of indecision)
3) a bikini, because I know better
4) makeup (Now honestly I won't swear it off but shit people I haven't worn it since prom!)
5) g-string *ugh. shudder*

Five T.V. Shows I Like:
1) My soaps (All My Children, One Life To Live, General Hospital)
2) $40 A Day/30 Minute Meals both with Rachel Ray *Hotness*
3) TLC's What Not To Wear
4) The Cosby Show
5) Are You Being Served? on PBS

Five Coolest Places I've Visited:
1) Phoenix, AZ
2) Chicago, IL
3) Atlanta, GA
4) Montana
5) Cancun, Mexico

My Five Biggest Worries At the Moment:
1) my job
2) deciding when to go back to school
3) my mom
4) figuring out what to do with my life
5) myself

My Five Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1) the time that I was able to spend with K and B today
2) my kittie
3) having clean clothes from the laundry
4) grateful for everything god has blessed upon me
5) Jimmy John's

Wow! Whew! Hope you enjoyed that romp through my past, present, and future. No, I don't care if I cheated on a few and named more than one. You can add that to my bad habits list if you dare!
:: Estoy_Libre 10:23 PM [+] ::

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